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Saturday, Nov. 21st
10 AM - Welcome & Action Message from Curator, Tabitha D. James
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10:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Mindset Open Discussion
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11:05 AM - 12:05 PM Breakouts Round 1
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12:30 PM - 1:00 PM - Money Open Discussion
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1:05 PM - 2:05 PM - Breakout Sessions Round 2
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2:15 PM - 2:45 PM Small Breakouts with Open Q&A + Think Tanking
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3:00 PM - UNLEASH Closing Charge
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10:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Mindset Open Discussion
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11:05 AM - 12:05 PM Breakouts Round 1
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- The Art of Healing, Welcome to My Space - Sabrina Niicole
- Join Sabrina for an amazing tribe talk centering the topic "The Art of Healing". This journey will take us through the four elements, explore, create, express and transition, giving us a better understanding of what it truly means to do the work and heal from past experiences. She looked forward to journeying with you, "Welcome to Her Space".
- Click here to access session handout
- Join Sabrina for an amazing tribe talk centering the topic "The Art of Healing". This journey will take us through the four elements, explore, create, express and transition, giving us a better understanding of what it truly means to do the work and heal from past experiences. She looked forward to journeying with you, "Welcome to Her Space".
- 'Bout Myself AND My Business - Ciera Young
- If you are ready to propel to the next level utilizing the skills you already possess in combination with strategy and consistency, this session is for you. During this session you will walk away with the key elements you need to take your business from an idea to up and running by showing up for yourself and your business. You will also know and understand what it means to Show Up or Shut Up.
- Click here to access session handout
- If you are ready to propel to the next level utilizing the skills you already possess in combination with strategy and consistency, this session is for you. During this session you will walk away with the key elements you need to take your business from an idea to up and running by showing up for yourself and your business. You will also know and understand what it means to Show Up or Shut Up.
- At the CORE: Who Are You? Creating a Virtual CORE Board - Uyi Idhaor
- It is important to know who you are at the CORE. During any situation, regardless of any circumstances, what makes you who you are? What do you stand for? What do you believe in? How do you stay true to yourself?
- Be sure to have pen (or pencil) and paper for this one!
- It is important to know who you are at the CORE. During any situation, regardless of any circumstances, what makes you who you are? What do you stand for? What do you believe in? How do you stay true to yourself?
- The Purpose of Purpose - Jessica Jená
- The Purpose of Purpose is sure to encourage you to go from just writing the vision to actually walking the vision out! It is one thing to say “yes” to purpose but it is another thing to walk your “yes” out. After experiencing this session it is her desire that you will: Know Purpose, Accept Purpose, Walk in Purpose, and Fulfill Purpose.
- Click here to access session handout
- The Purpose of Purpose is sure to encourage you to go from just writing the vision to actually walking the vision out! It is one thing to say “yes” to purpose but it is another thing to walk your “yes” out. After experiencing this session it is her desire that you will: Know Purpose, Accept Purpose, Walk in Purpose, and Fulfill Purpose.
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM - Money Open Discussion
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1:05 PM - 2:05 PM - Breakout Sessions Round 2
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- It's the Mindset for Me - Managing Money Mindfully - RavenSymone Simon
- Do you need a money mindset reset?
Do you know how many clicks it takes to pay you?
Have you created a plan to optimize your business by paying attention to the small things?
Hop in this session to get your money mindset RESET! - Click here to access session download.
- Do you need a money mindset reset?
- Boss Up: Real Bosses Need Business Credit - Rachel S. Gibbs
- Did you know you could build business credit without using your SSN?
Is your business structure prepared to build business credit?
Need to know more? Tap into this session! - Click here to access session handout
- Did you know you could build business credit without using your SSN?
2:15 PM - 2:45 PM Small Breakouts with Open Q&A + Think Tanking
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3:00 PM - UNLEASH Closing Charge
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If you have any issues accessing sessions or replays, please email us at [email protected]