An old phrase . .
"lay down with dogs, you get fleas" . . . Well as silly as it sounds, its true .! Being cognitive of whom you surround yourself with and devote your time to is critically important to your overall well being. wait . . . what .? uh, yeah! In periods of transition, it is often difficult to weed out those you have grown accustom to having by your side, however many times it is necessary. Nowwww, this is not saying to cut all ties with your associates, friends, loved ones, etc. I am just merely mentioning that everyone can't stay along for the long haul . . . Lets just chat through this for a moment . . You are working towards a goal and every time you are around this certain individual there is nothing but words of negativity, pessimism and uncertainty . . How much is that encouraging you? How is that making you hungry to continue striving? . . Well it may encourage you simply to prove them wrong but if this person is in your circle why aren't they believing in you? Talking through goals with you . . Pushing you . . Praying for you . . Planning with you . . wait . . what . . ?? As you are molding, making and shaping your life --chose to surround yourself with the doers, the shakers, the believers . . Those that have goals for themselves and aren't envious of your future because theirs is equally as promising . . Do not continue to contaminate your life with unworthy individuals . . . You are a reflection of your surroundings . . Chose carefully!
To matriculate in society one must invest their time towards the necessary requirements of life -- i.e. school, work, family, etc. In doing so, it is easy to get lost and forget to make the most important investment one can make . . . The investment in SELF ! I can promise you the return on investment on this one is out of this world.
How much time do you set aside for self? How often do you motivate self? How often do you even think about self? Self-investment does not nearly make a person selfish in nature but it does allow one to center their life around things that fuel SELF. Like a vehicle, when self is fueled and properly serviced, it functions as expected. When self is neglected, just like that vehicle, it tends to need a little maintenance. Self-investment includes things such as taking the trip you've put off for five years because you "didn't have time", saving a portion of your earnings to purchase yourSELF something you've been eyeing for quite sometime, taking the time to surround yourself with those who make you happy, leaving that job you hate and beginning the career that constantly stimulates you professionally and personally . . . These are only a FEW of many things that are incorporated with self-investment. So . . Wait . . I can invest in myself and in return possibly be happy with life despite certain circumstances . . What? YES . . YOU CAN .. YOU SHOULD Begin your self-investment TODAY! Do you ever feel like every time you reach a milestone there's a lingering question . . "what's next?"
Get a degree . .what's next? Get a promotion . . . what's next? Get married . . . what's next? Relocate to a new city . . . what's next? Why do people always inquire about what's next? Can one have the chance to enjoy the current moment . . Not nearly saying that one shouldn't be prepared or ready for the next step as life should remain progressive but my goodness . . . 'preciate the process ! Okay so now . . Really . . What's next . ? As you reach milestones in life remember planning is a key that unlocks many doors . . . Plan for tomorrow, plan for next week, plan for next month, plan for next year, plan for the next few years . . Will things always go as planned? Uh . No . Does that change the fact that you should have one . . Uh . No . The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty. -Proverbs 21:5 Is life balance really attainable?
Like . . wait . . what . . does that exist . . ? Honestly . . Yes . . But no . . Wait . . what . . ? The trick to this "life-balance" thing everyone is raging about is creating it, developing it for yourself. My "balance" and your "balance" may look drastically different. Having a full calender, though tiring, is fulfilling to me. My "balance" comes from having an equilibrium of things on that calender that I MUST do and I WANT to do. Maybe having at least two-hours of "me-time" per day is essential to your "balance", OK . . . Make it happen! In order to achieve this desirable "balance" and self happiness, refrain from thinking that your life has to mirror others. Balance by definition (n): an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. (v) offset or compare the value of (one thing) with another. As with many other components of life, balance looks different for each of us. Wait . . What . . We're different . . Oh Yeah ! Take the time to self assess your current life. Only YOU can create YOUR balance. Sure you can take tactics or tips from those you resonate with you, but this one comes from self evaluation and desire. Do you honestly feel your life lacks balance? What about Substance? Are you living or existing? ohhh . wait . . what . . that's another story . . until next time . . |